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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

10th September 2011
Mt. Biking: St Valery to Abbeville-France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 20.09 n/m (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Not such a good night as I had stomach ache :( but was up at 7 with the camera catching the sunrise over the canal – that’s the first sun we have seen for days :) After having the last of our pastries from home and thinking it’s not windy enough to try windsurfing we decide to get the bikes off again and head along the tow path to Abbeville. It’s nice cycling under the trees but no boats on the water and not much wildlife apart from a few ducks!!! We find the nice city centre even if busy with Saturday traffic, it has an impressive cathedral and we stop in the square with two fountains and an old merry go round :) We see a city centre map and see there is a large park with wildlife lakes so risk life and limb biking there!!! It was the most wonderful place with natural lakes and plants and springs and Mag is lucky enough to see a kingfisher :) We head back the to centre, buy our bread and one cake which we eat by the fountains. Then it’s time to head for home and we find the river and on the way back Mag spots a snake swimming across the canal!!! I miss it :( We arrive back at the van at 1:30 after 12.19 nautical miles – I still have my gps set for windsurfing!!!!
It’s time for lunch a read and a rest which was interrupted when an orange van pulled up at the bridge just up from us put the road barriers down and opened the swingbidge by hand to let a old fishing boat through carrying 10 artists, it moored opposite us and they spent a couple of hours painting :) Then at about 5 we decide to bike to the supermarket near St Valery-s-Somme along the tow path, it’s a great little Carrefour sadly no fresh milk but we had fun weighing up bananas,an apple, a pear and 10 wet walnuts !!!! :) We are going to be so’oooooooooooooooo heathly !!! We continued into the lovely medieval St Valery which was busy with people walking along its fantastic wooden promenade, at the end we sat by the river with superb views over the sands now at low water watching groups of people walking back from the centre of the bay and ate our fruit and nuts :) It was now time for the long ride back but first a walk through the old town centre past the station as people queued for the last steam train to Le Crotoy serving a meal we think :) At the lock we heard the steam train coming so waited by the marina to see the train past as a stand up paddle boarder set off down river!!! We arrived back at the van completely knackered after an even longer cycle than this morning a total of 25.09 n/miles time to give the bikes a rest for a couple of days !!! I tie the bikes to the van and Mag looks for blackberries for breakfast, we have company tonight and a fisherman with 4 rods!!!!!! has set up by the bridge with his two boys in a tent close by :) As I am writing this the wind has got up and it’s raining!!!!!!!!!!

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